Shear Family Foundation Renews Support of AJFS Food Insecurity Initiatives
Alpert Jewish Family Service is pleased to announce we’ve received a second $250,000 grant from the Shear Family Foundation to help fund the expansion of our food insecurity initiatives. The funds will be used for the operations of the expanded food pantry and wraparound services we will provide at the new Alpert JFS Enrichment Center in Boynton Beach.
The generous support of the Shear Family Foundation will help further Alpert JFS’s efforts to end food insecurity among the ALICE (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, and Employed) population in our community. The goal is to provide our ALICE neighbors with food while also addressing their human service needs, and improving their financial condition so they may move beyond the ALICE demographic.
Over the last two years, we’ve seen a 700% increase (from 30 to 240 clients) in the number of requests for food assistance. We expect this increase to continue and are grateful to the Shear Family Foundation for their partnership, which will enable us to improve the livelihood of more food-insecure ALICE households in our area.
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