Alpert JFS featured in NJHSA Member Highlights Newsletter

Alpert JFS is excited to be one of the featured stories published in the NJHSA (Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies) Member Highlights e-newsletter for June 2019.
Palm Beach State College President, Ava Parker, presented a donation to the Holocaust Survivors Fund of Alpert JFS in honor of Dr. Irving Berkowitz, himself the son of Holocaust survivors and the 2019 Holocaust Remembrance Day speaker at Palm Beach State College.
Partial newsletter shown below with Alpert JFS story.
Alpert JFS is appreciative of the generous donation by the College and the support we receive from the Gross Family Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. It allows us to continue our work in helping Holocaust survivors in our community.
For information on the Alpert JFS Holocaust Survivors Assistance Program, click here.
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