Answer the Call to be Counted in Census 2020 – Your Participation Matters to Our Community’s Future!

2020 is the year of the Census. The U.S. has counted its population every ten years since 1790. Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year, including the need for additional social services. We strongly encourage everyone to respond to the Census as soon as it arrives. We can’t stress its importance enough; the results are the key to our community having the funds necessary to address the needs of local children, families and seniors.
The census is a civic engagement; it is not political! An unfortunate fact is that Florida is one of the most under-reported states, with one million people not counted in the last census, leaving the government to serve more people in our state with less money. Every citizen can help us get an accurate count of the residents of Palm Beach County, directly or indirectly.
The economic impact of the census is important. Consider that there are approximately 1.5 million people who call the Greater Palm Beaches home. This equates to approximately $1,600 per person or $2.4 billion in one year. In 10 years, we’re talking about $24 billion! Everyone can play a part in helping our local government access as much money as possible to benefit every resident of our county!
Historically, those who might benefit the most from an accurate census count – immigrants, the disabled, disadvantaged, undereducated populations, and the homeless – are the ones most likely to go uncounted. These groups must be reached and counted! Additionally, children under five years are historically undercounted in the census; we’re counting on their caretakers to count them in!
When you respond to the census, your answers are kept anonymous. They are used for statistical purposes only. The U.S. Census Bureau, as bound by law, will keep your answers confidential. Information will never be published, nor used by any government agency or court. No identifiable information about a person or their home or business will be divulged to law enforcement agencies.
Everyone counts as part of the census count, whether living in a house, apartment, mobile home or group housing. For the first time, you can choose to complete the census online, by phone, or by mail. The 2020 Census will ask a few simple questions about you and everyone who is or will be living with you on April 1, 2020.
Can we count on you to inspire others? Please help us spread the word to your friends, family, and social media followers, by word-of-mouth and/or putting a poster in your clubhouse, social club, workplace or house of worship. Help us help Palm Beach County by getting everyone’s count in!
Visit to respond to the census after you receive your notice in the mail. It’s very simple and takes less than ten minutes!
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